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At Vocational Abilities we believe that we are ALL able! Where some individuals may see deficits, we see abilities!  The ability to create, the ability to learn, the ability to help, the ability to encourage, the ability to thrive!  It's our goal to help YOU find the ways in which you can contribute to a workplace, a community, and a better world.

because we are



My many years of experience as a vocational counselor allow me to use the most current tools and evaluation techniques to help everyone find their own unique gifts and strengths.  I can help you determine not just what kind of tasks you're good at, but in what kind of environments you will best thrive.  Do you work better alone or in a group?  Do you want to create or assemble? Do you like structure or unbound tasks? These are all important questions that we can help you answer.  Contact us today

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Help individuals with disabilities explore, discover, and find their career interests, abilities, and strengths. To discover what their work/career goals are. Determine what types of job they can do within their disabilities.


Empower every single individual with a disability to believe that, even with their disability, there is a job out there for them. That we are all ABLE to work. To spread the power of optimism.

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